Auctions Bring Luxury, Affordably


The Old Way VS The New Way

High ticket luxury items like automotive, jewelry, real estate, and yachts are but  some sought after possessions for frugal buyers.

Whether one is looking to buy for personal collections or to arbitrage, no matter, there is no denying that the off lot value loss is an irresistible deal at any budget.

Nay Sayers, don't want to pay to know the secret locations of auction houses, however, the discounts are as significant as 95% off the initial retail offer.

Do as the wealth do. Sotheby's, Christie's, Phillips, and China Guardian might know something you don't know.

Lastly, they always say the true mark of a successful clothing collection is how soon it ends up at Walmart.

Find out the locations of Auctions near you Here .

Ebay and Craigslist

While online auctions and arbitrage sellers were all the rage in the 90s, the pendulum is shifting back to traditional methods of buying and selling with the inclusion of NFT's  and cryptocurrency insecurity.

The desire to have access to the best of market based bargains is ever present, but no one wants to lose their investment in an unstable platform or worse, fraud. The opportunities to take advantage of trusting sophisticated buyers is obviously more potent online than off-line.

The tech-savvy can still eke out a living at these test of time websites. Etsy also offers a new opportunity for buyers and sellers to come together and make quality transactions, but the evolving Amazon Marketplace has taken some fight out of the commerce gladiators of yore.

Trash to Treasure

Depending on where you live, you may also benefit from the local Flea Markets, Antique Fairs/shops, and Independently owned Second Hand Shops/Vintage Boutiques. 

Where you can not only find a bargain, but you can also negotiate the price until everyone is happy. There again, the items that you will have access too are not high ticket luxury items like sail boats, but it's a great way to get your start.


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