B2C or P2P – Why is it better?


How to locate and develop leads with individuals instead of business owners. Reaching out to professionals and those developing their careers in any field can be a slippery slope. Although B2C has a separate set of rules, many favor it.

What is B2C (Business to Consumer Marketing)?

In contrast to B2B, B2C assumes that you are contacting individuals based on your current product or service user demographics rather than industry focus. For example, suppose you own a company that sells report-writing software. Your product can benefit a large number of industry professionals, and it is tiered to meet enterprise-size demands. However, you've noticed that the majority of your paying customers are mid-level marketers.

Quarterly sales data reveals there are freelancers, college students, and entrepreneurs that could also benefit from your product on a smaller scale. You wisely decide to redirect your prospecting focus on social media and other types of social platforms utilizing a professional account. Perhaps you even create a Facebook group with your business name to attract independent users.

Finally, you take the time to develop your business blogs to bridge your website and email marketing campaigns. With text-to-video Artificial Intelligence, you are even able to repurpose your posts to a YouTube Channel. You aren’t overwhelmed because you have tapped the common denominator which allows seamless social extensions without a lot of extra work.

The main distinction in this scenario is that you are a business that has a product or service that appeals and applies to customers who have not established their presence in a specific industry, but they are making professional moves. They can use your products and services to advance their ambitions, goals, or needs.

What is P2P Marketing?

This is when you, Joe/Jolene CEO of “Coolest Company Ever” take a day off and become just good old Joe/Jolene Smithers, skateboarding Disk Jockey from Santa Monica.

In short, while you are out casually living your best life, you are a consumer with buying power of your own. You may realize you can reach prospects by returning to basic human requirements.

Can your service or product be used to improve personal development or relationships? You may soon understand that this type of marketing can become corrupt if you are not in a position to guarantee the products you are recommending to others.

Seeing your company from both sides of the counter can help you better understand all the hats we truly do wear. When you make the connection, you can find the best way to attract and reach new customers.

It then becomes easier to realize that the time spent in Yoga on Tuesday, rewards me and keeps me alert at Friday afternoon sales meetings, which frees me up to be more present during my Sunday morning drum circle.

Marketing is a Mindset.

Did you ever see that Steve Harvey clip about the 5 suits? In the monologue, he makes it clear that 5 different color suits can be mixed and matched to become something like 72 different outfits?

Focus on 5

Find ways to translate your B2B service to a P2P service (like a forever-free option) in no more than 5 steps. Keeping your back-office processes fluid and systemized will keep things simple and functional without increasing expenses.

Why P2P?

P2P prospecting can be more fun. With P2P, you can be a consumer again and use grassroots methods of raising awareness to your products and services. Then there is the numbers factor. There are more people than businesses, and people love to socialize. If you are approaching this type of marketing in your business, you can really reap the benefits, especially if your product or service has “off-grid” relevancy.

AI Pros and Cons.

AI in moderation. AI is best used to simplify your already organized out-reach, help with research, and convert media (text to video, text to voice, transcribing). Use AI to be a better human, and you won’t miss out.

The Magic of Three

The main difference between the three levels of prospecting (B2B, B2C, & P2P) can be summed up like this:

1.People – User numbers determine demand and expectations.
2.Pricing - Affordability based on demand.
3.Problem Solving - What problems are you solving and in what way?

One company that has succeeded in being all things to all people is Microsoft. Like it or not, Microsoft changed the game and the way the world does business.

The Open Source community has gone out of its way to create free products that can seamlessly interact with Microsoft products to keep the technology we depend on accessible to all because – ultimately, it is about people.

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