Zen and the Art of Capitalism


Is China the secret weapon of the West? 

Zen Capitalism is more than a mantra. Here's a brief history: Zen was formalized in China during the Tang Dynasty, but the roots of the practice go back much further. Some scholars believe that the roots of Zen can be traced all the way back to the Buddha himself. Others believe that the practice developed out of a need to synthesize the various strands of Buddhism that were being practiced in China at the time. In any case, the formalization of Zen in China was a pivotal moment in the history of the religion.

What is Zen Capitalism?

Zen Capitalism refers to the idea of incorporating principles of Zen Buddhism, such as mindfulness and simplicity, into the practice of capitalism. This can involve using business practices that prioritize ethical behavior and social responsibility, as well as finding a balance between making a profit and serving the greater good. It can also involve using meditation and other mindfulness techniques to help individuals in the business world find inner peace and clarity. However, it is important to note that Zen Buddhism is a spiritual philosophy, not a business or economic infrastructure.

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